How NEXT Exam is Different from NEET PG

By 2022, unless an exemption is granted, the National Exit Test, or NExT, will be a mandatory exam required to obtain a license to practice medicine in India, according to the National Medical Council Bill. For the first time in India, it will allow MBBS graduates and international medical graduates to practice medicine. After completing their MBBS education, all medical students are required to take the NEXT Exam to receive a license to practice medicine in India. 

This exit test for MBBS students will also be treated as the post-graduation entrance exam for admission to postgraduate medical courses in India. Thus, it will take the place of the NEET Postgraduate Entrance Examination. 

Unless you are a member of the 2017 or later groups, you must not be concerned about NExT 2022 conflicting with your NEET-PG preparations. However, individuals who will face NExT, starting from 2022, should pay close attention to this piece. In this post, we have attempted to highlight all the significant changes between NEXT and NEET PG to help you prepare for this MBBS exit test well. 

A Distinctly New Exam Pattern 

Rather than a single one-day objective test with 300 questions, the MBBS National Exit Test will be broken into two sections. NEET PG consisted of a single one-day objective test with 300 questions. NExT-1 would be a Concurrent All India Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) test, while NExT-2 will be a practical examination. NExT Part –1 will consist of 540 multiple choice questions and be administered across three days for more than 14.5 hours. Pre-launch papers will be allotted three hours, while post-lunch papers will be given 1.5 hours. The pre-and post-lunch sessions will have 120 and 60 NExT papers, respectively.

The Most Significant Change is the Syllabus

Many students were perplexed by the proposed syllabus for the National Exit Test developed by the National Measurement Corporation. A little more than half of the subjects were discussed in this survey.

It included final-year subjects while omitting first- and second-year subjects. Additionally, the suggestions said that around 10% of the questions in each stream would focus on basic sciences and 10% on preventive and public health. Also, the proposed legislation stipulates that NExT will assess students’ clinical capabilities both in and out of the hospital. These preclinical, clinical, and paraclinical experiences will be incorporated into this MBBS exit test, indicating that no subjects will be required to be left behind.

The following is an approximate content split for NExT:

  • 60% of the time is spent on problem-solving
  • 30% of the grade is based on comprehension and analysis
  • 10% of the population recalls 

What is New in the Eligibility Criteria Segment? 

After you are employed, a PG exam will be held to prepare you for the NExT Exit examination. On the other hand, final-year MBBS students will now be able to take the NExT. Because of this, the amount of time spent preparing for NEET PG will be reduced, which will benefit all candidates.

Students must also pass NExT-2, the second portion of the National Exit Test, to be admitted to their chosen PG medical course and be eligible to practise medicine in India, according to the most recent proposal. To appear in this second section, students must pass the NExT-1. Anyone who has acquired their MBBS degree may pursue a postgraduate degree only after clearing both sections of the examination. This will also function as a licentiate test for MBBS graduates and international medical graduates wishing to practise medicine in India.

If you have more questions about this, the flowchart above might help you. Additionally, a practical examination is included.

The National Medical Council (NMC) has stated unambiguously that the NExT Exit Test will be focused on increasing the number of trained doctors while simultaneously curbing illegal medical practices. However, how can one accomplish this? Do you believe that an objective examination comprising clinically relevant and application-based multiple choice questions will be enough to ascertain this? In addition to the MCQ-based test, the NMC proposed a practical exam to measure PG applicants’ clinical skills in greater detail. No other exam will be held in the spring of 2019 following the post-final-year internship. This will be a pass/fail examination conducted by the appropriate college/university to determine the practical knowledge of these graduates.

The Danger Factor 

When you take the NExT, the stakes are far higher than when you sit for NEET PG  Preparation. If you do not clear the NEET PG test, you will be unable to enrol in your desired PG medical degree in the future. However, this will not stop you from pursuing a profession in medicine in India. The scenario is slightly different in the case of the NExT MBBS Exit Examination. If you fail any section of the National Exit Test, you will not qualify for the postgraduate medical programme of your choice in India. Additionally, even if you have an MBBS degree, you will be barred from practising medicine in India if you fail the MBBS exit test.

To Prepare for NEXT – NEET PG 2022 

Many opposing viewpoints are being expressed about the National Exit Test. While some are pleased that it would result in giving society more skilled doctors, others are concerned that it will impose an additional burden on all MBBS students in the future. Given everything that is going on, one thing is evident that students are perplexed about preparing for NExT 2022. Hence, we wish to offer useful preparation advice for the NExT MBBS Exam. 

Improve Your Foundational Skills 

With 90% of NExT questions requiring problem solving and comprehension, it is vital for students to begin focusing on the fundamentals as soon as possible. The most recent pattern of NExT might limit the rote learning method used by MBBS students to pass their PG medical entrance exams and advance in their professions. You are unlikely to pass the MBBS exit exam unless you have invested the right amount of time and effort in developing your basic medical concepts. Along with choosing high-quality study materials for NExT preparation, we strongly urge you to engage in focused MCQ practise to strengthen your comprehension levels.

Concentrate on the Development of Clinical Concepts

We cannot exaggerate the importance of clinical questions. The most critical differential between NEET PG and NExT is the frequency with which clinical questions are asked. Because the questions will now be based on what you did rather than what you read, you must pay attention to practicals. Do not overlook any of your postings. Attend your practicals religiously and make an effort to understand the concepts in the hands-on context. Pre-PG prep understands this. Hence, in addition to other services, we now offer daily free clinically-oriented tests for National Exit Test preparation.

Don’t Forget to Cover All the Topics

Many wild speculations suggest that due to the reduced number of subjects in the proposed exam pattern, NExT will have a significantly smaller syllabus than NEET-PG, and you will not be required to study much. This is not entirely correct. We know an overlap exists in the entire MBBS syllabus, despite many subjects not being mentioned in the NEET PG – NExT 2022 exam pattern. 

Consider the scenario below. Are you able to differentiate between dermatology and internal medicine when questioned about the treatment of skin disease in a clinical setting? According to the most recent information on the National Exit Test, the entire procedure will be vertically and horizontally integrated. Additionally, to be able to answer these application-based questions, you need to understand all subject areas well.

Pay Close Attention to NEET PG and AIIMS Papers from Recent Years

The NEXT Exam structure is not new to students taking the exam. Many clues about the NExT have been noted in recent NEET-PG papers. The paper is currently more clinically focused than it was at any point earlier. The most current NEET-PG aspirants observed and provided feedback on clinical and applied questions, including films of various tests and images of diagnoses. 

The percentage of paratype questions was disproportionate, resulting in a lengthy article. Pre-PG preparation has always emphasised the importance of practising questions from the most recent year to gain a complete understanding of the examination format. 

In addition to examining recent NEET-PG and AIIMS PG question papers, we propose you review previous years’ USMLE question papers, which have a similar format.

Start Preparing as Soon as Possible 

The advent of NExT also altered the time required to prepare for NEET PG. Previously, students had approximately nine to eleven months to prepare. However, with the introduction of NExT, students will no longer have these additional months to prepare, as NExT-1 will be administered during their final year rather than after their internship. Student physicians, particularly final-year medical students, will now be asked to put in a little more work to achieve the title of Doctor. As a result, you will need to reschedule your exam preparation. If you intend to begin preparing for PG medical admission examinations in your third year, we strongly advise you to begin as soon as possible in your second year. 

These were some tips from us to help you prepare more effectively for NEET-PG, the next stage in the process. The National Exit Test is similar to any other test, and with the proper strategy and coaching, you should clear this exam on your first attempt. You will not only face NExT 2022 on exam day but also during your preparation period. As a result, make the best effort possible.

Which is Preferable, NEXT or NEET-PG, and why? 

The National Exit Test for MBBS has no discernible disadvantage over the National Exit Test for postgraduate education, as the pattern aims to improve the quality of doctors in India by focusing on a more clinical approach. Numerous illegal practises by unlicensed doctors can be prevented with the adoption of this new MBBS licentiate test.

We hope that we have answered any questions you may have about NExT and NEET PG. Additionally, our blogs may contain answers to certain commonly asked questions (FAQs) about the NExT Exit Exam. Also, if you have any questions or concerns, please express them in the comment section below.


The National Exit Test is a hot topic right now. Some MBBS students are apprehensive that it will add to their workload and make them less-skilled doctors. For students, preparing for NExT 2022 is a daunting task. The NExT MBBS Exam preparation tips given in this article have been shared to bring clarity about the subject. 

Boost Your Foundation 

Students should start working on basics now, as 90% of NExT questions require problem-solving and comprehension skills. The new NExT format will likely limit MBBS students’ use of rote learning to pass PG medical entrance exams, according to experts. For those who have not worked hard on improving their core concepts, the probability of clearing the MBBS exit test on the first attempt is low. You should practise MCQs to strengthen your understanding, in addition to using quality NExT study materials. 

Concentrate on Clinical Ideas 

The value of clinical questions cannot be overstated. The most notable distinction between NEET-PG and NExT is the clinical question content. Experiments should be prioritised because questions will now be based on your performance rather than your readings. Ensure no posting is missed. Aim to learn topics by completing your practicals. The National Exit Test (NET) is a standardised test administered by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). 

Avoid Ignoring Subjects

Many reports state that NExT will have a smaller curriculum than NEET -PG, and you won’t need to study as much. That is false. While several subjects are not specified in the NEET-PG – NExT 2022 exam pattern, we all know how there is an overlap in the overall MBBS syllabus. Let’s pick a situation. How well can you distinguish between derma, internal medicine, and other clinical questions? The National Exit Test will have vertical and horizontal integration throughout, according to the newest developments. And you should know all your subjects well to answer these application-based questions. 

Recent NEET PG and AIIMS papers 

Students are familiar with the NEXT Exam format. In recent NEET PG papers, NEXT hints have been clearly mentioned. The paper has never been more clinical. A clinical and applied NEET-PG aspirant has watched videos of various tests and seen photographs of various diagnoses. Para-type questions oriented the paper on the longer side. We at Pre-PG Prep have always stressed the necessity of practising current year questions to understand test patterns better. 

Beyond recent AIIMS PG AND Neet PG Previous Year Question Paper, we recommend practising recent USMLE questions as well. 

Prepare Early 

NExT-1 will be taken in the final year, not after the internship. MBBS students, particularly final-year medical students, will now have to work harder to earn the title of Doctor. To prepare for PG medical entrance tests in the third year, we recommend you start in your second year. 

These were our preparation ideas for NEET-PG. NExT is just another exam that can be easily mastered with the right technique and help. NExT 2022 will be your adversary not only on exam day but also during your study time. So, ensure you give your best.


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